The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Month: October 2005 (Page 2 of 3)

Deep In Hole Of Own Digging, Jack Thompson Kicks Hornets Nest

And these hornets know how to use the Internets. After Jack Thompson attempted to get Penny Arcade’s creators arrested by the Seattle Police Department (albeit, with a caveat):

Tycho and I remain free men. The fact is that Jack actually sent the fax to everyone but the intended recipient at the Seattle PD.

Still, the action was apparently enough to get the Penny Arcade fanbois motivated, and they apparently bombarded the Florida Bar Association with requests for the FBA to investigate the wingnut in question. Here is the Hornet’s Nest thread, discussing the complaints they’ve sent. Here’s one: Continue reading

Jack Thompson, Having Hit Rock Bottom, Starts Digging

I didn’t post the Penny Arcade shenanigans about Jack Thompson because, well, better heads had done so, and to be fair, I thought y’all might be getting sick of it. But understanding is critical, and so the summation is that Jack Thompson rescinded his offer to give money to charity if people made his crackpot vision of a game once, you know, people turned around and did so in 3 days time (Ol’ Grandma Hardcore was one of many who managed to cobble something together quickly). He claimed his offer was satire.

“I’m not interested and won’t be commenting on the mod. The satirical piece entitled ‘A Modest Video Game Proposal’ was intended to highlight the patent hypocrisy and recklessness exhibited by the video game industry’s willingness to target cops, women, homosexuals, and other groups with some of their violent games. To be fair, though, you can’t expect a bunch of gamers to understand the satire if they think that Jonathon Swift, the author of ‘A Modest Proposal,’ is the name of a new Nike running shoe…

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After Falling Off Deep End, Jack Thompson Hits Rock Bottom

Game Politics is reporting that they got hold of an email from Dr. David Walsh of the National Institute on Media and the Family to Jack ‘Nutboy’ Thompson, where Walsh completely disavows all relationship with Thompson, just days after Jack Thompson’s announcement of a bounty of $10000 for someone to make an FPS that involves the gory deaths of key industry executives (as reported yesterday). A snippet: Continue reading

Proof That The Media Isn’t As Smart As It Thinks It Is

This is about the world of sportswriters, but it’s certainly easy to extrapolate the point to politics or games media. Dr. Z examines the official football picks of professional sportswriters and, surprise, they get it right slightly less than half the time. (link).

All you have to do is look at the papers. I like to check the handicappers’ boxes in the New York Daily News and Newark Star-Ledger, occasionally the Post. The News’ seven handicappers, whose selections go under the heading, Our Experts Call The Shots, are, collectively, 22 games below .500, or .478, this season. Only one of the seven is over the 50-50 mark, and don’t forget that a bettor has to pick 52.4 percent winners to break even, figuring in the 10 percent vigorish he has to fork over on every losing bet….The 10 football experts on the Post are, in toto, 46.2 percent winners.

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XBox 360 To Target Women, Sorta

From the New York Times (registration required, bugmenot is cranky), it seems that the XBox 360 is trying to market heavily towards women. Unfortunately, their planned path is not by actually making games for women.

Microsoft hopes to win a bigger share of the market from the PlayStation 2, the top-selling console made by Sony, by promoting a more family-friendly image for the new Xbox, which will be in stores starting Nov. 22…

Brochures going out to major retailers like Best Buy prominently describe the 360’s ability to double as a DVD player, play music from an MP3 player through a television’s speakers and even display digital photos on a TV. Its game functions, while impressive, are now only part of the message…he brochure even says, “Here are some things you might want to tell your wife this thing does.”

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Timing and Fate

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter how good your game is. Sometimes, it matters more the environment that your game is released in. Usually, when we point this out, we’re talking about gaming competition. Surely, Matrix Online and Saga of Ryzom would have fared better if there’d been more seperation between them and the juggernaut that is Worlds of Warcraft. Guild Wars fared better, but undoubtedly part of that is that MMO fans didn’t have to layer another subscription fee onto their existing WoW price tag.

The catch, of course, is that your ability to delay a launch is very limited. You hope and pray that you manuever yourself towards a good release window, but a full-sized MMO team burns through cash faster than Halliburton. You might be able to delay your launch a couple of months, but at some point, you have to bite the bullet before you start laying people off. This is obviously more true for smaller companies, but even inside behemoths like EA, your potential is fuzzy, but your actual burn rate is undeniable, which creates an impetus to ship as soon as possible. Continue reading

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