The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Month: December 2006 (Page 2 of 2)

Want to Make a Firefly MMO?

Multiverse has announced that they’ve managed to snag the rights to the Firefly license. Oooooh, shiny, even if it’s more niche than us fanboys want to admit. However, here’s the interesting part of the article, to me:

Bringing those environments and character types to life as an online game will be a challenge: Multiverse is not a game developer, but rather a platform provider whose product is still in beta. Instead of making the game itself, the company will hire a development team that will craft the virtual galaxy using Multiverse tools.

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Kill Frag Dolls! Get Paid For It!

When reading this news story, it’s hard not to keep in mind that this was paid for by the company that shut down my project and laid off everyone. Perspective, and all that.

Ubisoft is giving $500 to anyone who beats the Frag Dolls (a team of girl gamers) at Rainbow Six Vegas. What could go wrong?

Well so far: 6 matches, 5 Frag Doll losses, 4 winners per match, 3 hours, 20 lucky gamers, and $10,000.  In English: Last night the Frag Dolls lost ten thousand dollars in three hours to twenty gamers. Ouch!

Will Wright Goes On Letterman

Last night, Will Wright broke ground – being the first video game designer I can remember who was on late night TV. His appearance, including a rather surreal exchange regarding Spore and Intelligent Design, can be found here.

For all the talk about how video games now earn as much money as Hollywood (a largely bogus stat, btw), it’s always been kind of surprising how those who create them haven’t gotten more rock star treatment. Overall, the appearance was relatively slow going, although near the end, I do believe that Will managed to succeed blowing Stephen Colbert’s mind when talking about the more ambitious aspects of Spore. Continue reading

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