The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Academia (Page 3 of 4)

More on Game Violence Studies

On re-reading my comments from last Friday about the AC2 study, I realize that my poor, unfocused diatribe levelled pointed fingers in a direction I was completely not intending to. I blame the fact that my brain was in ‘Late Friday Mode’.

The study actually accomplished what it was trying to do, judging from the title of the study (“Internet Fantasy Violence: A Test of Aggression in an Online Game.”) To some degree, it clears my chosen genre of work (MMOs) from the charges levelled at the GTA’s of the industry. As an aside, it also is useful in that it successfully points out that simply having blinking images of very mild violence on a computer screen isn’t going to turn your kids into zombies. While obvious to some, this is still a useful data point to have, and highlights the importance of content, interactivity, and tone to the debate. Continue reading

Parks and Casinos

I generally haven’t been watching the blog because work’s been keeping me busy – Wolfpack’s preparing a dog and pony show of our new project for the Ubi brass. Also, when I’ve had time to poke my head out to look for my shadow, I’ve been too busy casting stones in this Terranova thread, which covers design of social spaces vs enforcement of them. A poster there insists that designers worry too much about enforcement, and not enough about designing compelling social spaces. Nonsense, I retorted. Central Park was considered a deathtrap until they stepped up enforcement, and now it’s one of the safest urban parks in the world. Somewhere along the way, Scott brought the snark.

Ironically, the Austin Game Conference has accepted my lecture proposal regarding what MMOs can learn about Casino design, and how more designers should take lessons from other fields when designing social spaces. It’s a lecture idea, I might add, I’ve been letting stew in my head for more than a year. I would have posted it as an article here but then none of you would have been able to get a response past Spam Karma. =)

You Don’t Want Realistic A.I.

In reading over the ridiculously overhyped gamer’s manifesto from last week, Jamie points out what I failed to, which is that people think they want realistic AI, but they really don’t. His quote:

One of the reasons we make game AI stupid is not always lack of processor power but often because a smarter AI would school our players too deeply and they’d turn to simpler games. Look at chess – we’ve got some great AI there, so great nobody wants to play against the computer. Stealth games would be another example: if the security in a stealth game actually was decent, playing these games would become an exercise in frustration instead of an exercise in feeling like a kick-ass ninja commando.

Yep. It is ridiculously easy to write an AI that will kill you instantly.* And you may think you want a world where every guard in the complex converges on you if you trip an alarm, but in reality, you don’t. It is actually a much larger challenge to write an AI that doesn’t pwn on demand, but still appears intelligent. Continue reading

The Eight Inevitable Stages of the Permadeath Debate

1. Inquiry. “Hey, I know we’ve been talking about MUDs and permadeath for 25 years, but I bet no one’s thought of this angle!!”

2. Despair. “Please, Not the Permadeath Debate Again”, “Permadeath debates always drive me crazy”, “So I was going to stay the hell out of the permadeath discussion Damion started for no apparent reason other than, perhaps, that we were boring him.” ” I’m rather tired of recurring topics that do not go anywhere”. Funny, everyone hates the debate, but no one can resist jumping into it. Continue reading

Cows are Gamers Too

Cows also enjoy playing to crush. Or at least get the pellet.

In one study, researchers challenged the animals with a task where they had to find how to open a door to get some food. An electroencephalograph was used to measure their brainwaves. “Their brainwaves showed their excitement; their heartbeat went up and some even jumped into the air. We called it their Eureka moment,” said Broom.

How long until higher ups in the cow heirarchy start blaming these food games for the younger cows going on stampedes?

(Article found via the Ludologist)

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