The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Gamergate (Page 8 of 10)

What GamerGate Can Learn From the NFL and Ray Rice

GamerGate should be in PR crisis mode.  It’s not.  It can’t be.  And it doesn’t know how.

Gamergate is, right now, a hashtag that is ABOUT harassment.  That’s not what it’s better angels want.  There’s a large contingent of people that are in there that are deeply committed to improving the games industry press, and care about that.  They think that’s what they’ve signed up for.  I don’t agree with their principles, their priorities or their view of how the industry actually works, but the better angels clearly want to clean up what they see as a fucked up enterprise.

But all of that is buried now, under a daily drumbeat of harassment, harassment, HARASSMENT.  What are the news stories for the last few days?  Let’s look at my current twitter feed and KiA, reddit’s central source for the latest Gamergate goings on.  Briana Wu being harassed.  Briana Wu going on MSNBC and getting her twitter hacked.  Briana Wu is an awful person (multiple times) USU cancelling Anita’s speaking gig because of a shooter threat. Boogie is being harassed. Zoe Quinn freaking out about being on MSNBC facing her harasser.  Just endless news on harassment of anti-gg AND gg personalities, defenses against harassment, denials against harassment, and spiteful, hateful bile thrown at people who accuse them of harassment.

Oh, and #Gamergate is finally hitting the mainstream press.  MSNBC: harassment.  CNN: harassment.  HuffPost: harassment.  Mentions of ethics are an afterthought.  The harassment infighting is so fierce that when an actual Ethics issue pops up, it doesn’t get nearly the attention as, say, a blow-by-blow detail of what happened in Zoe Quinn’s restraining order hearing.

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Why I Only Told the Womens’ Stories

Last week, I put up a very long article about the stories of harassment I could find.  I’ve made some minor corrections based on additional details I’ve gotten.  I have an open invitation for more women to send me their stories, and will correct any bad information I’ve gotten.  As I’ve mentioned before, the stories from the gamergate side are much sketchier and less detailed than the ones on the other side, largely because the other side has endeavored to document their harassment in long form.

One question I’ve gotten over and over again has been ‘what about the men?’ Continue reading

GamerGate: 6 Weeks Later

There are three excellent must-reads related to GamerGate this last week, plus one oldie but goodie.  All of them look at gamergate skeptically, not from a position of extremism or reactionary politics, but from a sense of moderation.  I’ll recommend them, and then write my own thoughts before I take a bit of a self-imposed exile from the blog for a few days.  Seriously, read them.

God of War and Twisted Metal designer David Jaffe’s excellent Twitlonger on the subject mirrors my own thoughts closely.

I keep getting hit with people going ,’Well Jaffe, these journalists are SMEARING devs by saying bad shit about them!!!!’…ok, well welcome to the big leagues of putting something out in the world for public consumption and getting judged for it.

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Listening and Believing: What Vicious Harassment Really Looks Like

Writer’s Note: if more harassed women have stories they want to share – on both sides or outside of Gamergate altogether – and can provide links that are well-sourced and thorough, add them to the comments. I will try to add the best, most thorough stories to this page. Unfortunately, most pro-GG stories I could find are just a couple of tweets, and therefore lack much in the way of context or depth. Ladies, tell your stories, in longform, for the record. It’s important.

This article is about harassment. And it’s not just about attacks on anti-gamergaters.  Some are #gamergaters who were harassed – either by antis or anarchistic assholes.  But many of these are from events that predate #gamergate, in totally different scandals and explosions.  As an aside, I’ll note that the stories coming from the pro-#Gamergate faction are much lighter and sketchier, because they aren’t capturing the experience in any sort of verifiable longform. This is probably a factor of the anti-GG side having a lot of writers on that side of the fence. Still, I encourage the harassed to tell their story in a way that can be archived in a readable format for posterity and verifiability. And I will note that #Gamergate has been saving harassment, large and small, aimed their way in this Tumblr.

But it’s pretty clear to me that most people on both sides are good people who believe harassment is wrong. It’s also pretty clear that a tiny minority of people on both sides, and probably on a third side that is ‘pro-watching-the-world-burn’, are using the outrage of these people in order to camoflauge doing some truly heinous shit, with the express intent of keeping the outrage engine going.

I’ve said from the beginning, as long as there are people harassed, and my friends and colleagues are afraid to speak freely on the topic – pro or con, then I don’t give a shit about the cause of journalistic corruption.  Worrying about what an op-ed writer said a month ago, and whether some shitty independent games award was won legit means NOTHING to me because right now, bullies (on both sides) are trying to silence dissonant voices.  Most frequently, that means women, especially women who don’t ‘pick the right side’.

I’ve been concerned about harassment of women online since even before gamergate – I believe the fact that Sony and Xbox won’t address that what you see on FatUglyOrSlutty is something any online gamer will tell you is all-too-normal — THAT is actually holding the games industry back from expanding our markets (and cynically, our sales and profits as well).  You shouldn’t need thick skin to play a video game.

So I’m so happy that people finally want to talk about harassment.
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The Games Press isn’t Attacking #Gamergate. It’s Ignoring Them

There’s been a lot of press coverage of Gamergate in the past few weeks.  Of particular note:

There’s more, but you get the idea.  So that’s actually a pretty wide mix.  Cracked and the Verge come hard from the left/anti side, whereas Breitbart comes from the right/pro- side and emphasizes the culture war aspect of the debate.  There’s also a wide range of beats: Slate, RCP and Breitbart are politics.  Forbes is financial.  Cracked is probably the best pop culture criticism on the net, masquerading as a humor magazine.  Agree with them or not, there’s a lot of coverage out there.  But there’s sure someplace where it’s missing: the Gaming Press. Continue reading

An Interview with Me in the Escapist

As part of a larger series of developer interviews, I gave my two cents to the Escapist.  They claim I asked for an alias.  I don’t recall doing that – I certainly wouldn’t have left so many obvious clues to my identity if that were the case (he’s fixing it now).  No matter, I clearly don’t have a problem being identified as such.

FWIW, this interview was done the week after Destiny went live, so it already reads as a tad outdated.

What Games Journalism Integrity Actually Is and What It Isn’t

Note: TotalBiscuit had a couple of key points in tweets, I appended to the end.

One of the questions that I’ve seen over and over is simple: “Why doesn’t Gamasutra apologize?”  I admit, I probably would have buckled by now, and apologized.  But they’ve resisted.  Why?  The answer is simple.

Journalistic integrity.

As an example, I realize that many people are critical of Leigh Alexander’s ‘Gamers are Over’ article (and the imitators that followed).  I have, in numerous places including on Radio Nero, described the article as mindbogglingly stupid – I actually think she was getting at a good point, but failed in execution. I do think she’s got a caustic personality.  But man, does she have some awesome motherfucking journalistic integrity.  Why?

Because journalists believe that you do NOT edit, retract or apologize for your editorial opinions based on financial concerns.

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Radio Nero and other Quick Hits

Just a few random snippets.

Radio Nero

I will be appearing on Episode 3 of Radio Nero tonight.  The topic of discussion will be on the idea that #gamergate members should form a consumer advocacy group.  You can read about the original proposal here and but be sure to also read the clarifying statement here.

For what it’s worth, I’m withholding final judgment until the interview airs, but Milo was a very gracious and accommodating host in the interview, and he bent over backwards to be fair and let me air my point of view.  Given that I’ve been, let’s just say, pretty harsh, critical and perhaps a tad unfair to him in the past, I will say that he was more than fair to me in response, and has earned a great deal of respect from me in his attempt to forge some sort of outreach.  I do think that outreach is crucial to getting the industry out of this quagmire.

As with everything I write on this blog, all opinions stated in my interview with Milo are mine and my own, and should not be interpreted as speaking for Electronic Arts, BioWare, our partners at LucasArts or Disney, or any other game developers, pro- or anti-gamer gaters, other human beings, or small fuzzy animals.  I am a unique and beautiful snowflake, I don’t claim a side, and these thoughts are my own.

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Who, Exactly, is Silencing Feminists?

My post about whether or not the #gamergate crusade is anti-feminism has gotten some attention.  It should be noted that my point was not that #gamergate is misogynist or anti-women – that’s a much longer and more complex discussion though here’s a few strong hints about how I feel – but the idea that it’s anti-feminist is pretty clean-cut.  Which is to say, there is a strain throughout GamerGate that is virulently opposed to “SJW” discussion of games making its way into the press, or “SJW” theory making its way into the games (“Games should have ideology!”)  In almost every example, “SJW” seems to refer to some sort of feminist critique or theory, including those that are presented fairly, academically and without judgmentalism.

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