The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Games and Politics (Page 9 of 9)

Grand Theft Auto 3 and Feminism

I’m on a mailing list where there is currently a debate about Grand Theft Auto 3. This is a group that is devoted to women’s issues in games, and they are incensed that GTA3 won the IGDA industry award for Game of the Year this year, calling it a ’slap in the face’ that other developers would vote a game that was so misogynistic to be the GotY. The specific complaint: the fact that you can get sex from a prostitute, and then kill the prostitute to get your cash back, is an insult to all of womankind, and all mankind should be ashamed of themselves. Continue reading

Everquest: Still Not As Dangerous As Love

21 year old kills himself over Everquest, mom wants to turn around and sue Sony Online. This is an old case, but thanks to CNN repeating the story, the mass market now can think that EverQuest is as deadly as shooting up.

I don’t want to denigrate the kid. He was a poor lonely kid with a lot of health and social problems before he ever set foot into Norrath. But his mom needs to be hit with the clue stick. Don’t stop at just one clue, please. Here are a couple freebies, no charge. Continue reading

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