The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Geek Culture (Page 2 of 5)

Mystery Stalker Cake!

Today, one of our artists got a cake from a mystery sender, which happened to contain a phone baked into it.

At first we were all excited, figuring it to be our game’s first crazy stalker fan.

Turns out, it was just a viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight, a movie which seems to be getting a ton of ARG support behind it.

When They Sell Out, They Do It With Style

Metal enthusiasts remember how Metallica eschewed music videos for nearly a decade before deciding to jump into the MTV fray with their first video, “One”. That video is simultaneously one of the finest music videos ever made, as well as the beginning of their descent into mediocrity (my guess is the success of ‘One’ gave them a taste for the sweet, sweet taste of steady paychecks).

Yesterday, it was leaked that Metallica would be releasing their next single on Rock Band first (in theory, before the radio or MTV). This is a wholehearted embrace of the game genre, especially after Metallica songs were noticeably absent (and sorely missed) from GHI, GHII and GHRt80s.

We now breathlessly await when (and more importantly, how) Metallica will get past their anti-P2P music stance.

Random Linkage of the Week

The chairman of ITV says that games are evolving in a moral vacuum. Wait, the TELEVISION INDUSTRY is accusing anyone else of being morally bankrupt?

A Chinese gamer died from playing games 3 days straight. Tasteless comment overheard elsewhere: “”Shit, I hope that’s not the guy I hired to powerlevel my new character.” In all seriousness, there’s been about half a dozen of these in Asia over the years. Has there ever been one in the US? What, culturally, is the difference? Continue reading


How important is graphics to the consumer? According to a story that Matt found, only 30% of XBox 360 owners are even aware that their product HAS HD. (40% PS3 owners know that their PS3 has a Blu-Ray, and only half of THEM even use it).

This doesn’t even count idiots like myself, who knew that my 360 had HD, but didn’t know about the super seekrit ‘HD’ switch on the video cord until my brother came over, and flipped it. For an extra bonus, he did this in front of a party full of people who ALSO didn’t realize the picture wasn’t HD. The sound afterwards was a very audible “ooooooh”. Continue reading

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