The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Personal (Page 5 of 9)

I’m Off the Market

Tonight, in a beautiful candlelight ceremony in a glass ballroom behind a beautiful southern mansion, I married my wife and soulmate, Sara. She was as beautiful and radiant as I’ve ever seen her, and I’m in pure bliss right now.

For everyone who was invited and came, thank you so much for making the evening magical. For anyone expecting insightful design commentary – sorry, but for the next week, I’ll be in St. Maarten, where the food is french, the casinos inviting, the beaches are sunny, and the planes land about 20 feet from the beach they fly over, providing comical video opportunities of tourists washed away in jet backwash.

Original comments thread is here.

The Revolution is 10 Years Old Today

10 years ago today, my first published title, Meridian 59, launched. It had a 3D client, a virtual world, and was among the first games to charge a flat fee to play.

Meridian 59 is widely considered by many to be the first MMORPG. Which means that even if you’re uncharitable and don’t count older games like Gemstone, MUD and Islands of Kesmai, the industry has now officially been making MMOs for 10 years. You’d think we’d be better at it by now.

Meridian 59 is still up and running – you can download a demo here.

Edit: No, there is no demo. I am apparently addle-minded.

Original comments thread is here.

My Hero

My grandfather was always my hero.

When he was 13 years old, he was working on the family farm when he got his leg caught in a combine (a large piece of farming apparatus). He survived, but lost the leg. Even though he was the eldest son, his family effectively disowned him, with the logic that a wooden leg would rob him of the mobility needed to run the family farm. Continue reading

…and Beyond!

So, in two months I’ll be married! October the 13th is the date. Yes, it’s a Friday, and no, we’re not superstitious.

We’re gearing up our preparations now – the space, the food, the officiant and the Honeymoon are taken care of. Invitations go out this week. We’re down to mostly little things, like the liquor (hmmm, you’d think that would have gotten higher priority). Also, now’s the time where all the ‘little things’ are starting to pop up. Continue reading

A Soggy 4th of July

The fiancee and I watched 4th of july fireworks through a steady downpour from the fourth floor of a five floor parking garage, which gave us a clear (albeit distant) view of the light show above Austin’s Town Lake.

Normally, I’d say that rain on the 4th of July sucks. In this case, though, the heavens treated us to a rather spectacular lightning show that pretty much make the human-made gunpowder version pale by comparison.


I was a toddler when The Omen came out and changed my life forever. I wouldn’t actually see the film for another decade.

According to The Baby Name Wizard, a whole bunch of people chose to name their kids Damion/Damien/Damian in the 1970s. Interestingly, Damian-with-an-a was more popular than the movie-sanctioned and obviously more evil looking Damien-with-an-e. My parent’s choice, Damion-with-an-o, has always come in last place. Continue reading

I’m Unemployed!

So yesterday was my last day at Wolfpack Studios, which is I believe now officially closed down. Yesterday was an odd day, with basically two dozen people sitting around chatting and playing Magic, waiting to be fired. Er, “downsized”. Whatever.

As it stands now, it looks like a new studio will arise phoenix-like from the ashes of Wolfpack. That new studio will initially work on providing contract service and support for other MMO developers, and use the earnings to pitch a next-generation MMO. Some of the contract work is lined up already. As for the original title, it’s far too soon to say what it will be.

As for Shadowbane, I see the rumor mill has already started to spin up, and some sort of announcement should be happening soon, so I’ll leave it at that.

As for me, I’m not joining in on the above adventures. I’m pursuing an altogether different alternative, which will be revealed all in good time.

Original comments thread is here.

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