The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: So-Called Humor (Page 1 of 12)

Pentagon Wars, Foldable Humans and Other Miscellaneous Stuff

It’s been a while since I did a grab bag of stuff, but there was a convergence of minor stuff that merits a mention.

* Remember the GamerGate 8chan child porn story?  People who aren’t horrible human beings will be pleased to know that the journalist who found, documented and reported on the child porn, only to have zealous true believers attempt to get him arrested, will be pleased to know that he’s been questioned and cleared. Also, in the discussion, the officer reported that there was plenty of child porn in plain sight on the site – which is probably a good thing to know before you go traipsing around on 8chan. Well, you could if 8chan wasn’t mysteriously down all day.  After yesterday’s awesome events, it’s overall been a good week for people who find GamerGate distasteful.

* To celebrate, you should totally watch this video that Dan did about Fight Club, and the themes of toxic masculinity that are discussed within.

* Car Wars was reprinted.  Just as fun trivia, did you know that the makers of Auto Assault were flirting with acquiring the Car Wars license for it?

* Polygon points out that this clip of the Pentagon Wars is a pretty good analogy for how large software projects (such as AAA video games) often lose their way in the hell that is conferring with upper management.

* Watching this video of Nicole Kidman telling Jimmy Fallon he had a chance to date her, but blew it, is oddly heartwarming and yet horrifying.  Watching this video of the women of Downton Abbey play Cards Against Humanity is a nice chaser.

The Lost Gamergate Episode of Seinfeld

One of the more annoying things about #GamerGate is trying to explain how it definitely started as a harassment campaign, but has long since migrated past that.  It really sounds like the plot of a terrible sitcom episode.  Based on that, I wrote the following.

George suspects that his girlfriend is cheating on him with a games journalist.  So he writes a shitpost about the guy, starting a protest of a bullshit ethics complaint.  The movement takes off, as people who legitimately care about ethics in games journalism and progressive games writing pick up banners.  It starts to steamroll out of control, as George’s dad takes up the cause like a religion.

Frank: I refuse to live in a world where I can’t kill the hookers in GTA after they have sex with me!
George: But… you don’t even have a Playstation, dad.

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