The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Dungeon Boss

Last Tuesday, I launched a game.  It’s doing quite well.

Boss Fight Entertainment released Dungeon Boss in a worldwide release on Tuesday in partnership with our publisher, Big Fish Games.  This marks my first foray into mobile gaming, and indeed my first serious work on a published title that was not an MMO of some sort.  So it was quite a novel experience for me, and quite frankly one that I needed.

The game has been doing exceedingly well so far.  Google featured it on their store on Wednesday, and Apple returned the favor and added on an Editor’s Choice award (and a really nice review) on Thursday, which has just resulted in our numbers shooting into the stratosphere.  It’s currently sitting as the #1 most downloaded RPG and the #2 most downloaded Free-to-Play game on the Apple store behind Happy Wheels .  Our revenue position still has a ways to go, but this publically available list here claims that we’re number 30, and we’ve been rising steadily as our population gets deeper into and more invested in the game.

According to AppAnnie, we’ve reached the #1 RPG spot for 70 different countries.  However, we’ve only taken the #1 game spot in one country – Latvia, oddly enough – though we’ve hit top 5 in 24.  While this is all incredibly heady stuff and the chart-watching makes for a pleasant way to spend the holiday weekend, when we get back it will be entirely about how to make the game even better, as well as holding our breath to see if the metric patterns we see extrapolate moving forward like they did in beta.  If so, Dungeon Boss is well positioned to be a huge part of the App Store landscape for years to come, and I’m very proud to have been a part of it.


  1. Uri

    That’s really impressive! Congratulations Damion.

  2. Link

    Well done, Damion!

    I can tell you that Jules and I are certainly addicted 😛

  3. Trevel

    “Designer does not hate women 0/10”

    • Trevel

      Would you like my actual QA notes? 😉

  4. Guesty McGuestington


    I had seen this on the storefront last week, but did not downloaded it. Now that I know you had your hand in it, I look forward to checking it out.

  5. nash werner


  6. Daniel Smith


  7. Josh

    So I’ve been playing it for about a week or two now and I have to say, this is the first mobile free to play game that doesn’t feel like it hates me. There’s not a lot of arbitrary gates to prevent free players from enjoying the game, especially early on. You can pretty much level all the way to 10 without worrying about energy running out and forcing you to 1) stop playing or 2) pay to play. Plus you set up on the right behaviors to facilitate purchases. You earn gems like crazy and don’t feel bad spending them on stuff.

    Also, seems like you figured out what to call your “big fish” instead of vaguely insulting them. Kudos sir.

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