I like to read the articles on Magic: the Gathering’s website from time to time, since it’s nice to see how another industry happens to handle a ‘live’ game environment. I found this one amusing, since it talks about all of the different rules and platitudes we come up with, and how the Vision ™ can stray from day to day.

[S]o we changed our minds. We do that a lot. I know Mark Rosewater and I both like to write about all these little rules and guidelines that R&D makes for ourselves and how those rules guide our philosophies and decisions. Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret: those rules and guidelines tend to apply fully the day they were created, a little less the next day, then a little less, and so on, until we’ve changed our minds completely.

True, true. The end result is that my blog history is full of me contradicting myself.