The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

J’Accuse Heroes Charge

I’ve written about Heroes Charge before, and the accusations swirling around them.  This is a relatively big deal because Heroes Charge is flirting with becoming a runaway hit.  Well, today, Lilith studios released proof that Heroes Charge copied their codebase somehow, including a hidden copyright screen.

Those who want to see the original’s gameplay in action can see it here.


  1. Shjade

    That’s…pretty much as damning as evidence can get in a copyright infringement case, isn’t it?

  2. Kevin

    Wow…read the comments on that video. I mean, this shows that they didn’t just copy the game, the wholesale stole the code, and you have people saying “leave us gamers out of this”, “find a way to work together”.

    I’m sorry…but people are scum! I mean, Christ, can we all stop thinking about ourselves for a littlebit and agree that this kind of thing is crappy and should be stopped? Is this mobile game that important?

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