“Become the most influential clan in Japan’s Himeji stronghold.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/371942/the-white-castle
Playing Time: 80 minutes
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Dice Placement
Designer: Isra C, Shei S.
Players: 1-4
The White Castle is a dice drafting game where players compete in order to curry the most favor with the denizens of Himeji Castle. They do so by tending gardens, defending the realm or schmoozing with the royal court.

The thing that makes The White Castle so interesting is that players only have 9 turns. When you first sit down to play, this seems impossibly small. Playing well will require careful planning and elaborate chaining of actions. The end result is a surprisingly tight battle reminiscent of a knife fight – albeit one in a lovely tang garden.
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