“Disrupt the ritual and slay the Elder Gods in this co-op dice chucker.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/253344/cthulhu-death-may-die
Playing Time: 90-120 mins
Weight: Light-Midweight
Genre: Cooperative Dungeon Crawl/ Boss Battler
Designer: Rob Daviau, Eric Lang
Players: 1-5

Most Lovecraftian-themed games center on frail humans facing and trying to escape unspeakable horror. Not this one. In Cthulhu: Death May Die, you’re going to wade into the depths with a shotgun and go Leeeroy Jenkins. Unspeakable horrors will die, and they will die en masse.
The cornerstone of Cthulhu: Death May Die is the insanity system. Yes, like most Lovecraftian games have some element of managing your sanity, but here Sanity is more than a second health pool – reaching thresholds of sanity will unlock new powers for your character, so in many cases it’s advantageous to stare into the mouth of madness. But it’s a press-your-luck scenario – go too crazy, and you WILL succumb to madness and your party will lose the scenario.

Each game combines a boss with a scenario, where the scenario contains the conditions for summoning the boss – killing the boss will earn your team the win, but the variety of boss/scenario combinations creates an almost limitless number of possibilities. The newest expansion just came out, and a new expansion is being crowdfunded as we speak.
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