“Build an interstellar civilization by exploration, research, conquest, and diplomacy.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/246900/eclipse-second-dawn-for-the-galaxy
Playing Time: 60-200 minutes
Weight: Mid-to-Heavy
Genre: Economic-focused space 4x game
Designer: Touko Tahkokallio
Players: 2-6 players

This is still my favorite space 4X game. Yes, yes, Twilight Imperium is fine, but frankly sometimes you want to build a space empire in less than ten hours. Eclipse delivers on this goal with a game that focuses on economy and exploration, although certainly there’s a good chance your game devolves into war.
The beauty of Eclipse is the way it self-balances against size. Each system you conquer will grant you more resources but it will also increase the upkeep of your entire system, and there’s definitely a point where you can overextend, and be left with a frustrated, dying economy. As such, the game rewards the player for being picky – choosing truly strategic targets for expansion and defense and then letting your opponents squabble over the scraps.
The primary difference between Second Dawn and the first edition of Eclipse is literally a tray. Tech advances are unfolded over time and often had to be off on a side-table so everyoen could visit and access when they got a tech upgrade. With Second Dawn, the revealed available techs are kept in a tray and are easily passed around the table. Believe it or not, this upgrade is worth the expense.

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