“Gain glory by defending a Viking harbor town against trolls, draugr and other beasts”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/172287/champions-of-midgard
Playing Time: 60-90 mins
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Worker Placement Euro with Dice Chucking Combat
Designer: Ole Steiness
Players: 2-4

Get this if you like Euros with a little YOLO.
Champions of Midgard was my number one game last year, and it still deserves to be near the top of the list. Players will place workers to gather resources, mostly in the form of warriors (represented by different colored dice with different faces), and then take them into battle to try to take down big bad monsters, in hopes of earning ph4t l007 and victory points. It’s a solidly midweight game that acts as a great gateway from Ameritrash into more thinky strategy games – without losing the Ameritrash dice chucking.
The best design feature in this game is the Valhalla expansion. The core design is great but it is possible for players to just get unlucky, get a bad roll of the dice and have their whole armies crushed for no reward. Valhalla reverses this – players get tokens for their dead vikings, and acquiring the right tokens earns them even bigger rewards – which makes even the most suicidal assaults potentially lucrative (and can set up some delightfully degenerate strategies).
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