“Build your way to the best Tavern in town with this deckbuilding dice drafting game”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/269207/the-taverns-of-tiefenthal
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Weight: Light-to-Mid
Genre: Press your luck tavern simulator
Designer: Wolfgang Warsch
Players: 2-4

A game of Taverns of Tiefenthal is broken into several rounds, each broken into two phases. In the first, players fill their tavern, drawing cards until all the tables are full. In the second phase, players roll dice, and use these to activate various locations, primarily focused on using beer to satisfy customers or cash to upgrade their inn.
The upgrading is the fun part. A player’s board is broken into several pieces, and flipping part of the tavern upgrades it to it’s more upgraded side, which may result in being able to roll more dice, generate more beer, or modify a die result. The most powerful upgrade, though, is getting more tables. At its core, Taverns of Tiefenthal is a press your luck game, and being able to draw more cards always feels just a little deliciously like cheating.
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