Playing Time: 20-40 minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Solo Set Collection
Designer: Shadi Torbey
Players: 1-2 (really, 1)

As I’ve been getting into solo games more, the ‘Oniverse’ games have been demanding more attention. They are the line of games put out by Shadi Torbey and all share a similar aesthetic and complexity. The most famous of these is Onirim. I’ve played several and the one that stands out to me is Cyberion.
In Cyberion, players will have a deck of problems to solve, which is represented in card collections – things like ‘two 4s’ or ‘three red cards’. They will have 5 of those problems to solve and a hand of five cards they can use to assemble the cards they need to solve them. Along the way, the problems will get more difficult to solve, but the player will be able to spend solve problems to unlock upgrades, which allow them to draw more cards, get cards out of the discard, or solve problems with fewer cards.
The nice thing about Cyberion (and all of the Oniverse games I’ve played so far) is that the core game is simple and challenging without being HARD hard, but each game comes with 4-5 modules that you can mix in to make the game different and more challenging. This allows you to freely tune the game based on whether you want a mindless timewaster or a brainburning puzzle – a level of customization that suits solo games well.
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