“Art is so subjective! Don’t like the color? Change the rules so you can win!”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/161417/red7
Playing Time: 5-10 minutes
Weight: light
Genre: Rule-changing card game
Designer: Carl Chudyk, Chris Cieslik
Players: 2-4 players

If you see me out at a con, odds are Red7 is in my backpack – an extremely quick brain-burny card game that game designers just seem to love.
Each players have a hand of cards and build a tableau in front of them. In the center of the game is a rule, such as ‘highest card’ or ‘most even numbers’. When a player’s turn arrives, there is one central rule – they have to be winning when their turn ends. They can do this by playing a card to the tableau, or instead putting it in the middle, overriding the central rule. They can even do both, but burning your cards too fast can leave you high and dry.
This is a fast, brutal play – it is entirely possible that you won’t have a legal play in your opening hand. But the hands are quick and fun enough that no one ever seems to mind when that happens.
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