Battle together to fight off zombies in the Old West… or die trying.”
Playing Time: 60 mins
Weight: Medium
Genre: Horde bashing ‘Dungeon Crawl’
Designer: Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien, Nicolas Raoult
Players: 1-6

I’ve played several of the Zombicide games and none of them really spoke to me – until this one. I don’t know what it is, I think the western theme really just speaks to me.
Like all Zombicide games, your motley crew of cowboys is given a simple task (usually ‘find a foozle then get out of town’), and then everyone needs to work together to make it happen. Zombies die in waves quickly and satisfyingly, but they also spawn in waves, so there’s that.
But something that seems different – at least to me – about Zombicide: Undead or Alive is that the characters are well-designed enough that stories just generate themselves. In my last game, I was chucking dynamite from a brothel window to clear a path so that a straggling player could jump a train that was close to leaving town. Normally, missions in games like this feel mechanical, but after this one was over, we all just wanted to talk about how we wanted to watch the movie version of this experience. Games are most magical when they can create moments that memorable.
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