“Bid to acquire the most valuable sets of Egyptian artifacts and resources.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12/ra
Playing Time: 45-60 minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Auction & Set Collection
Designer: Reiner Knizia
Players: 2-5

Yet another classic board game rescued from the dustbin of history with a superlative reprint. Ra has long been one of famed designer Reiner Knizia’s most elegant designs, an auction game boiled down to its barest essence.
One by one, players draws and adds to a central row of tiles, until one player declares instead that the lot is worthy of auction and places a bid, which other players can then counter. The tiles collected are scored in a set collection sort of game, but the bidding currency (called ‘sun tiles’) are worth points too, so the end game requires a lot more nuance than blowing your whole stack.
Again, this is merely a very good game, but if you can, look for the 25th Century Games reprint, especially one with the tiles. It elevates this classic to a new level.
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