“Draft dice and purchase skills, traits and equipment to create the perfect RPG hero.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/169426/roll-player
Playing Time: 60-90 Minutes
Weight: Medium
Genre: Dice Drafting
Designer: Keith Matejka
Players: 1-4

When I was a kid, I spent a lot more time rolling characters for D&D than actually playing it, so Roll Player is a game that really speaks to me. This is a dice drafting game – a handful of dice are rolled, and each player then selects one and adds it to their character sheet. While doing so, they’ll be trying to hit target scores demanded by their class (Warriors want Strength, as an example), getting bonuses for matching dice colors, managing their alignment, and earning gold to do a little light shopping for that special piece of gear that helps your newly minted character truly shine.
If this sounds appealing to you, it probably is. And if you find you like it, look into one of the two expansions (I have Monsters and Minions ) which gives you some very light RPG-like challenges to test your character against.

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