“Rival chaos gods send forth their minions to spread corruption and destruction.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/43111/chaos-in-the-old-world
Playing Time: 60-120 Minutes
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Assymetric Territorial Control
Designer: Eric M. Lang
Players: 3-4

You are one of the Elder Gods, and time has come for you and your compatriots to turn the Old World into a smoking ball of ruin. But such devastation is not a cooperative activity. No, indeed, power comes from such destruction, and who can instill the most destruction will emerge as the greatest of the Elder Gods.
Chaos in the Old World is played out simply with each player playing cards which enable their actions, which may result in spawning soldiers or destroying territories. Each God is highly assymetrical with different strengths and weaknesses – Nurgle prefers to kill with plague and corruption, whereas Khorne prefers a more straightforward approach – blood for the blood god!
Eric Lang is one of the industry’s most well-regarded game designers, especially for dudes on a map games, and Chaos in the Old World is his finest title. Unfortunately, its out of print, and licensing rights means its unlikely to come back anytime soon. If you see this in a thrift store, be sure to grab it, you won’t be disappointed.

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