“Win the payout from various casinos by placing the most dice on them.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/117959/las-vegas
Playing Time: 30 mins
Weight: Light
Genre: Dice Chucking
Designer: Rudiger Dorn
Players: 2-5

An incredibly simple filler, this delightful dicechucker can be taught in about 60 seconds, and is incredibly fun. You start off by seeding the casinos with cash – each casino is dealt a variable amount, meaning that some are more valuable than others.
After this, people start rolling dice. You roll all the dice in your color, and once you do, you choose a die and all of your other dice that share a number with it, and put it on the corresponding casino. People go around the table until no one has dice left, and then the casinos pay out their money – whoever has the most dice gets the most money from a casino, but if your dice count is tied with another player, you’re both skipped. It is common – and hilariously so – how often bottom feeders end up walking away with first-place cash.
Unfortunately, Las Vegas can be pretty hard to get ahold of. The most recent printing was called Las Vegas Royale, which basically adds a whole bunch of minigames and other activities to beef it up. Which is fine but unnecessary – if you’re reaching for Las Vegas on your shelf, you’re probably doing so BECAUSE of the simplicity. Still, you may have to go to the geekmarket if you want this one (although I note the rules are so light picking up a foreign language version is probably fine.)
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