“Bid ANYTHING to bail out companies, but just don’t bid the MOST!”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/266830/qe
Playing Time: 45
Weight: Light
Genre: Auction Game
Designer: Gavin Birmbaum
Players: 3-5

The most absurd auction game you’re likely to play. You play a nation in the midst of a financial crisis. You can bail out companies that are near the edge of ruin. To do so, you must outbid the other players at the table, but all of you have the ability to print money at will, meaning you can bid anything you want. Any number you want. $10. $100. $100000000. Keep adding zeros until your pen runs out of ink.
The trick is that at the end of the game, all of your bids are added up, and whoever bid the most money gets a score of zero! So bidding huge only pays off if people decide to outcompete you.
QE is a lightweight little filler game built on a schtick. That schtick doesn’t have the longest life, but it is very, very good.
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