“Determine the location of a hidden treasure and race your opponents to it.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/42215/tobago
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Logical Deduction
Designer: Bruce Allen
Players: 2-4

A treasure hunt, which basically works as a logic puzzle in reverse. Players will find clues to apply to each treasure, and then traverse the island in hopes of grabbing the treasure before their opponents.
Each treasure has a series of clues as to where it can be, such as ‘next to water’ or ‘in the mountains’. Each player also has a handful of clues they can apply to a treasure. Applying a clue eliminates a handful of locations that a treasure can be hidden, and once a treasure can only be in one possible location, a player can retrieve it. Assuming he can get there before his opponents.
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