“Competing factions must scavenge the wreckage of their colony ship to survive.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/330608/cryo
Playing Time: 60-90 Minutes
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Worker Placement
Designer: Tom Jolly, Luke Laurie
Players: 2-4 Players

Your colony ship has crashed. Now you need to guide your faction of colonists out of cryosleep in the wreckage of the ship and into the interior of the planet before y’all become popsicles.
Cryo is at its core a worker placement game. Each player has a collection of drones that they can send to the ship wreckage. There, they can rescue their colonists, gather resources, and find ways to upgrade their drones to get more powerful. Once they collect their colonists, they can work their way into the interior of the planet, which is where the bulk of the scoring comes.
Like many other worker placement games on this list, Cryo is simple to teach and quick to understand. The novelty of the game is really focused on the drone upgrade mechanism, which primarily acts as modifiers to the players’ income for a round. It’s also got nice production values and a fun, vibrant and attractive aesthetic, albeit one that contrasts somewhat with the bleak, frigid hellscape of the world you’re fighting over. Still, Cryo is a winner, don’t sleep on it.
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