“Construct machines and collect resources from your new airships.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/301255/whistle-mountain
Playing Time: 60-90 mins
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Worker Placement on Crack
Designer: Scott Caputo, Luke Laurie
Players: 2-4 players

A VERY dynamic worker placement game – players are building an unstable structure climbing upwards, with each new location offering new placement locations to land their worker blimps and balloons. But players don’t just get the benefits of the place the place one of their workers on but also anything that their stuff is adjacent to.
Also, as the structure goes taller, the lower levels start to flood. New, lucrative placement locations are constantly being created and destroyed, and resources turn on a dime from abundant to scarse as the water rises. The end result feels like surfing chaos – and I mean that in the most complementary way possible.

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