“Cooperate as Marvel Heroes to stop the Villains’ master plans!”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/298047/marvel-united
Playing Time: 40 minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Cooperative Boss Battler
Designer: Andrea Chiarvesio, Eric M. Lang
Players: 1-4

The premise of Marvel United is simple – gather a collection of heroes and take them to beat up a boss. The core gameplay is incredibly simple – most hero cards you play are going to center on combat, movement or ‘heroism’, which is used to beat missions and rescue civilians. But what’s really amazing is how the designers have managed to stretch this incredibly simple gameplay into a wide array of hero powers and, even more impressively, some wildly divergent villains which represent the core challenge you face.
There are a bazillion Marvel United characters available but honestly you only probably need a core box and maybe an add-on to have more flexibility than you’ll ever need. That said, look at these minis. The chibi minis are not only a unique and charming take on Marvel visuals they are (and I can attest to this) great for learning to paint as well, as the big eye, big head aesthetic makes for MUCH easier painting.

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