“Bid for the stalls to attract customers at the night market.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/367201/taiwan-night-market
Playing Time: 60-80 Minutes
Weight: Light-to-Medium
Genre: Auction
Designer: Zong-Ger(蔥哥)
Players: 2-5

Every night in Taiwan, when the bars and clubs close, the masses stream homewards – but they’re hangry. This is a problem you’re willing to solve. You’ll be setting up shops along busy thoroughfares, hoping that you can attract those customers before your opponents do.
Taiwan Night Market is, at it’s core, an auction game. A handful of foot lots are put up for auction every round, and players get a sense of which customers are coming and what they’ll be hungry for. If they win a lot in an auction, they’ll determine what drunk food they provide (boba, meat, donuts or noodles).
In general, customers will stop at the first stall that offers the food they want (assuming its unoccupied), but as players progress, they can build extra tables, loudspeakers to attract more distant stalls, and even franchises (buying two adjacent stalls to allow them to serve more customers and raise prices).
Taiwan Night Market isn’t the thinkiest game, and in fact should be seen as a filler game. But if you’re looking for a simple filler game to close out the end of game night – well, thematically it’s quite a fit.

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