“Assemble and prepare a formidable crew of dwards to fight the mighty Fafnir!”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/293014/nidavellir
Playing Time: 45 Minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Auction
Designer: Serge Laget
Players: 2-5

A simple bidding game, where players are bidding to build the best dwarf army. At it’s core, it’s a set collection game, where each color of dwarf has different scoring rules.
The auction system is the engine of the game. Players start the game with a small handful of coins of different denominations. Each round, cards to purchase are put at one of three locations, and players put one coin at each location (highest bid at alocation gets first pick of the cards there, and so on) and add the dwarf to their tableau.
But if a player bids with their ‘0’ coin, they can upgrade one of their unspent coins – basically conceding getting the last pick on a location for the ability to place bigger and bolder bets in the future. The end result is a light, tight auction game that still has the ability to explode at the top end into long, combotastic turns.
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