“Search for signs of alien life by launching probes and analyzing distant signals.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/418059/seti-search-for-extraterrestrial-intelligence
Playing Time: 40-160
Weight: Medium-Heavy
Genre: Science-Based Euro
Designer: Tomas Holek
Players: 1-4

A good way to think about SETI is ‘the next heavier step beyond Terraforming Mars and Ark Nova‘. It’s a relatively heavy euro that still feels accessible due to the scientific theme, which is well integrated. Players choose from a handful of actions, limited primarily by resources, as they scan the skies for alien radio chatter as well as launch probes into space and landers onto planets to continue their search. The center of the board is a delightful rotating solar system that constantly changes what you can see with your scans and adjusts the paths that your probes will need to take.
Favorite Design Element: Eventually, your table WILL find aliens – two different species, chosen randomly out of 5 – and each alien basically changes the game in significantly different ways. One might need to fly to jupiter to mine for alien fossils, or send radio signals out to space and recieve a response (and rewards) several turns later. The alien races tend to offer more powerful cards and abilities and more lucrative scoring opportunities – if you can figure out how to take advantage of them.
SETI is not without it’s problems. Of particular note, it plays much better at 3 than at 4. This is due not just to waiting between turns, but also in a reduced number of solar system rotations – which while delightful can also disrupt all your plans when it happens on another player’s turn. Still, if you like science-themed euros or chasing E.T, this is a good and rewarding experience.
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