“Caesar and Pompey deploy units to battlegrounds across Rome to seize control!”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/338957/caesar-seize-rome-in-20-minutes
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Weight: Light
Genre: Territorial Control Duel
Designer: Paolo Mori
Players: 2

A small, tight territorial control game for two. In Caesar, players take turns choosing a disc from a hand of three. Each turn, you’ll place one on a circle that borders two territories. Once a territory is completely surrounded, one of the two players claims that territories.
What makes this an interesting puzzle, though, is that each disc has two halves of it, and each half has a different strength. Thus, if you put your best army on a border with a mind towards capturing the territory you REALLY want, you’re probably putting a significantly weaker army on the other side of that territory, creating an opportunity for your opponent. Figuring out how to balance immediate rewards with long-term planning and deciding which territories you’re willing to concede to your opponent makes for a tight and contentious duel.
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