“Become a gun-toting outlaw, or a law-abiding marshal in this Wild West sandbox.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/232405/western-legends
Playing Time: 60-90 Minutes
Weight: Medium
Genre: Western-themed Sandbox
Designer: Hervé Lemaître
Players: 2-6

This is about as close to ‘Red Dead Redemption in a box’ that you’re going to get. Western Legends is a game where you can indulge in almost any cowboy fantasy you’ve ever had. Do you want to herd cattle? Be a poker ace? Run a brothel? Rob trains? Shoot the guys who rob trains? The world is your dusty oyster.
Well, some of it’s locked in expansions, but this is one of the few games where having all the expansions really pays off. Cardboard chits become great feeling poker chips. The Ante Up expanion adds a train you can rob – which has a nice plastic miniature to represent it.
The end of the game is reaching certain goals in victory points, but this really isn’t a game that focuses on winners and score. This is more of a game where your goal is just to be in this western world, and just make your way in it.
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