“Adorable bunnies build cities, harvest carrots, and go on missions to be ‘Big Ears!'”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/184921/bunny-kingdom
Playing Time: 40-60 Minutes
Weight: Light-Medium
Genre: Territorial Control & Card Drafting
Designer: Richard Garfield
Players: 2-4

The best rabbit-themed territorial control game on the market. You play as the leader of a nation of bunnies, looking to spread across the land. Doing so will require you to collect a series of territories – hopefully orthagonally adjacent ones – and build and upgrade towns and castles on them in order to harvest the resources within.
The engine of the game is a card drafting game – everyone’s dealt a hand of cards, and then they choose one, and pass the rest to the player next to them, and the process is repeated. This results in trying to plan ahead to figure out what you need to draft immediately and what can wait, as well as figuring out what to hate-draft to screw your opponents.
Bunny Kingdom is a midweight game but it also benefits from being fast to set up and extremely easy to teach. I will say that the scoring rounds ARE a little annoying and mathy, but this is easily counterbalanced by the easy gameplay and the absolutely adorable rabbit meeples.
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