“Gather resources to develop a harmonious village of woodland critters and structures.”
Link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/199792/everdell
Playing Time: 40-80 Minutes
Weight: Midweight
Genre: Tableau Building & Worker Placement
Designer: James A. Wilson
Players: 1-4 Players

Do you like furries? Not, like, kinky furries, more like charming pastoral Redwall furries. Well, if so, then allow me to introduce you to Everdell, a beautiful game with a whimsical art style, gorgeous components, and of course, a big honkin’ tree.
Everdell is a worker placement & tableau-building game. Each player is trying to build their own 15-card village, where they try to assemble certain sets, acquire resources via worker placement locations and claim objectives. As they build their tableau, they’ll unlock new powers and worker placement locations.
Everdell is a solidly midweight game, with several expansions, all of which are actually pretty good but each of which will nudge the game a little past midweight towards heavy. It’s one flaw is that there’s a little too much of having to pay attention to cards your opponents have (which can be difficult across a large table) – but caring is usually not make or break for your strategy. Still, this is a charming, attractive and thoughtful game that always seems to go over well.
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