I’ve been saying for weeks that the the thing most industry people don’t get about the Hot Coffee mod is that it’s not about sex. I know it’s hip to fliply say “There’s sex in my violence!” and talk about how we have a double-standard and we’re puritans about sex but love our violence.

This article about the Da Vinci Code movie may make me change my mind. Short summary: the Catholic Church is pressuring the makers of the movie to strip out all the religious pseudoconspiracies that makes the church look bad. Given that said pseudoconspiracies are what elevate the book from being meandering tripe to an international bestselling piece of meandering tripe, this bodes poorly for the movie. As for the sex/violence thing, a random comment on Fark summed up the situation with brevity I’ll never master:

Movie about Jesus’ potential sex life – Definite No No
Movie about Jesus getting the shiat kicked out of him – Bring the kids!

Okay, I admit, I sometimes just love the snark. As for the book: okay, it’s really not that bad. Provided you read it in an airport or otherwise noisy place where it’s difficult to actually think about what you’re reading.