The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Category: Shows and cons (Page 2 of 5)

How To Write Great Design Documents, Take Two

I’m back home from GDC, so now I can catch up on things that have been lingering a bit. Such as finally watching the series premier of Knight Rider.

My presentation on game design documents went well, for what is a decidedly non-sexy topic. The conference associates told me that I had more than 500 people as an audience – not bad for a talk that was basically a revisit of last year’s talk. For those seeking slides, they are here:

My Trip to Canada and Indiana

Sorry for the lack of communication. I’ve been on the road all week, first to Edmonton to talk about game design process. Currently I’m in Bloomington, IN, to give my Zen of Game Design talk for the virtual worlds department that houses such luminaries as Lee Sheldon and Ted Castronova. While there, I hope to give Lee some shit for the end of this.

As a happy accident, I got to tag along to the Mass Effect launch party while in Edmonton. They sure know how to drink up there. I suspect it’s because it’s too cold to actually do anything outside. Just finishing a lot of crunch to make a kick-ass game probably was a factor as well.

MMO Roundtable Day 3: Why Classes, Levels, and the Grind?

On the third day of my roundtable, I took the talk in the most controversial of directions: the grind. More specifically, why do designers gravitate towards class-based, level-based experience-point based RPG systems for their advancement models? What’s wrong with them? Once again, the responses listed below are not necessarily my own, but are rather responses that came out of the group. However, many of the responses that appear are very similar to those that I mentioned in my AGC talk a year ago. Continue reading

MMO Roundtable Day 1: Why Fantasy?

My Roundtable this year was “Moving Beyond Men In Tights”. There was a roundtable each day of the conference, and Wednesday’s question centered upon the simple question: “Why Fantasy?” The roundtable was moderated heavily by myself, with questions derived from my powerpoint presentation at AGC.

The first question I asked was “Why do we keep making fantasy games? We all want to see different things, and yet, the top 5 most talked about MMO launches in 2007 look to be more fantasy games. So what unique traits does fantasy have that make it well-suited to today’s MMO designs? ” I stressed that I wasn’t saying ‘keep making fantasy games’ – please don’t! I just wanted the participants to understand what reasons there might be beyond “we’re unimaginative bastards” and “it sells”. Continue reading

GDC Talk: 2007 (How to Write Great Game Design Documents)

310 people. Not bad for the very last talk of the conference. Surprisingly few were friends of mine humoring me (and where were you guys anyway?) And shockingly few people got up and left halfway through it!

I proposed the talk in desperate hopes of finally getting a GDC speech. After four years of proposing MMO-specific talks, I wanted to do something else — but all I’ve ever designed is MMOs. What could I do a talk on that wasn’t that?

The talk went well, even though the guy handling my AV couldn’t seem to get the bottom half of my powerpoint presentation to show up. For those who wanted to see my slides in all their glory, I’ve put them up here.

Edit: I cleaned up some typos, and made the powerpoint presentation do a better job of speaking for itself (i.e. without me standing in front of it). Those who want to download it and use it may feel free to do so, so long as I remain attributed.

Original comments thread is here.

Crashing the Second Life Party

Spent my evening at the Second Life party. I felt vaguely guilty about it. I even went up and shook Wagner James Au’s hand, although I don’t think he fully remembered who I was. This might have been the drinks, though – they were, by all reports, mixed very strongly. I personally have made an oath to not give any speeches or roundtables while hungover. Nothing impedes a roundtable like the guy running it wishing everyone would shut up. Continue reading

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