The design and business of gaming from the perspective of an experienced developer

Fem Freak

Last night, GamerGate was following around Jonathan McIntosh and mocking him for having an expensive backpack – that it turned out wasn’t even his. As if that wasn’t stupid, creepy and stalkerish enough, this morning E3ers woke up to find the area around the convention center papered with anti-Anita posters.

It’s difficult to tell, but the white background ones repeat the words ‘GamerGate’ over and over again. Which is all ironic, given that Gators love to say over and over again that #GamerGate is about Ethics in Games Journalism, which has fuck all to do with either Anita or John.

Perhaps realizing that this little escapade was even more awful and creepy than what normally passes for acceptable discourse (stalking McIntosh, for example), and definitely falls in the category of being harassing little dickbags, KotakuInAction has been desperately trying to spin this as a ‘false flag’ – i.e. done either by Anita and John themselves, or by Third Party Trolls. The truth of the matter is that, once again, some sick, demented lone wolf took an action that they thought was in bounds in an attempt to discredit and silence critics that they disagree with. The lone wolf was probably this guy – a crazy street artist with a decidedly right-wing bent. If it’s him, he’s clearly someone who believes in the various right-wing bullshit he’s trying to peddle, which means he’s probably thinking he’s doing God’s work carrying GamerGate’s message. But that’s just a theory: this Twitter account is the only person who has claimed credit.

But this is all speculation. Whoever it is plastered #GamerGate’s name all over it, and because #GamerGate has earned the mantle of being obnoxious little jerks with a history of engaging or high-fiving in support over similar actions, they get saddled with the blame. And they should. Whether they took the action or not, they created the toxic environment that made someone think they’d be treated like a hero for this.

The FemFreak episode shows the problem with an anonymous ‘chan’ style of protest. People think that no one can speak for an anonymous group. The truth is anyone can. And once enough bad ones do, there is no reason in the world why anyone should give that protest the benefit of the doubt anymore.


  1. RefresherDev

    It’s not green and purple.
    It doesn’t have the logo.
    It’s an old meme.
    It has nothing to do with anything.

    We have shit tons of memes, Sea Lions, Vivian James, a lot of stuff. Why use a 2001 meme?

    Considering everyone in GG’s been condemning this, I doubt it was ‘the evil force of GamerGate’ that did it.

    This is as convincing as “the head moderator of /v/”

    • Mikel Crawford

      You did read the whole thing:
      “. Whoever it is plastered #GamerGate’s name all over it, and because #GamerGate has earned the mantle of being obnoxious little jerks with a history of engaging or high-fiving in support over similar actions, they get saddled with the blame. And they should. Whether they took the action or not, they created the toxic environment that made someone think they’d be treated like a hero for this.”

      It doesn’t matter if they’re involved in anything since Gamergate is synonymous to anonymous Hate mob.

      • RefresherDev

        “Similar Actions.”
        Please show me the ‘similar actions’ to plastering posters with unfunny ancient memes in the middle of an industry event.
        I DO know some ‘similar actions’ of using unfunny memes and bringing politics into an industry event from your ‘justice’ camp.

        GG is synonymous with a lot of things, so is FemFreq, so is Games Journalism, so is a lot of things. I honestly don’t give a damn about what we’re synonymous with anymore, the PR war was lost ages ago and you’re free to think what you think.

        • Talarian

          How about the Twitter feed of GDC? This FemFreak thing is pretty close to the real-world equivalent of spamming a hashtag on Twitter with memes/anime.

          • RefresherDev

            Spamming a hashtag vs spoiling an Awards Show with petty politics and handing out slips of paper in the middle of the halls.

      • Scott Malcomson

        Problem: nothing in these posters even suggests the person(s) putting them up hate Anita Sarkeesian, regardless of who it is.

        So they “own” her tropes. What is that even supposed to mean? Even in the context of an ancient meme everyone was sick of five years ago? This, you want to spin as “hate speech”?

        Your frothing only seems to prove one of GamerGate’s points: that folks like you can’t tolerate mockery of a public figure, even levels of mockery so low they’d qualify for The Sensible Chuckle Magazine.

      • Zero132132

        “I don’t care if you did it or not, you still did it!”

        Rational adults don’t say ridiculous things like this.

    • Jon

      >This is as convincing as “the head moderator of /v/”

      Ironically the person who wrote that as a joke is obviously familiar with 4chan.

      • Head Moderator of /V/

        >Using greentext outside of 4chan
        Ironically the person posting about the irony of being familiar with 4chan is familiar with 4chan.

        • InnerPartisan

          It’s adorable that you believe bracket-quoting originated on 4chan.

          • Head Moderator of /V/

            It’s adorable that you would think anyone really uses it outside of 4chan.

          • InnerPartisan

            Hahahahaha. You’re a hoot, kid. Never heard of these newfangled thingamajigs called “E-mails”, have you?

  2. KittyG

    Look, I don’t think I really have to point out that there’s no solid evidence about who did this.

    I also have serious doubts GG could have been able to pull this off as a group. GG is very serious about their PR, so even if there had been a thread it would have been full of bickering and people telling each other to get lost and drop the idea. These are completely void of links to more info as well, which is really quite bizarre. Normally the GGers are on top of dumping whatever info they can into their online media, so not putting it on physical media doesn’t match up.

    I just can’t attribute these to GG as a group with what evidence there is.

    • Cyberwulf

      Please. Gomblrgokers have spent ten months screaming that anything that makes their side look bad is a “false flag” that their victims did to themselves for fabulous prizes. Of course one of them did this. They did it secure in the knowledge that the rest of their mob would scream “false flag” and “ethics in videogame journalism” and “professional victim” and “she put them up herself”.

      • Scott Malcomson

        “Of course” one of them did this because “isn’t it obvious”, because it fits with your pre-existing viewpoint. The same is true of Moon Hoaxers who insist they can see the wires on the astronauts’ suits (no kidding, they actually do believe that).

        Regardless, how does this even make GamerGate look bad? Because somebody mocked a public figure who can’t even put a handful of YouTube videos out? That’s far more mockable right there (including the bits where FemFreq ignores people who are now demanding a refund for failing to follow through on a Kickstarter). Hell, the FTC just recently went after a Kickstarter which raised less money and also then blew off delivering content..

        If anything shows this didn’t come from GamerGate, it’s the lack of infographics and website info telling people what a scam artist Sarkeesian actually is.

    • Damion Schubert

      GamerGate is, as mentioned endlessly, a Spartacus situation. This was probably very much done by someone who shares GamerGate’s ideals, whether alone or with a couple of confederates. It was not a good idea by this person, and the masses of GG are right to want to distance themselves from it, although their claims that they don’t do shit like this seem pretty ridiculous given their behavior even in the last month (their treatment of Pao, /planetside, and McIntosh come to mind).

    • Zero132132

      They basically said that they did it to fuck with GG.

  3. Goth Skunk

    No wonder you’re a FORMER BioWare employee.

    • Damion Schubert

      Well, you smell funny.

    • MechaCrash

      Wow, with such a polite and reasoned post, how ever did Gaters get the reputation for being obnoxious pieces of shit? I mean, it’s not like these wastes of skin barge into comment posts on sites they don’t read for the sole purpose of being shitposting assholes!

  4. Attuned

    Lets not forget that there’s been just as many stalkers, doxxing and death-threats coming from the feminist aGGros. “#GamerGate has earned the mantle of being obnoxious little jerks” just makes you sound like a butt-hurt journo who’s offended by the possibility that gamers would expect you to be ethical.

    Your “lone-wolf” explanation is probably spot-on, but using this non-event as an opportunity to take cheap-shots at your GG straw-man is silly and immature.

    • Damion Schubert

      I eagerly await your evidence that the feminists have been the stalkers, doxxing and death-threats. Right now, it just looks like you’re making shit up to cover up the fact that SomethingAwful and AyyyTeam fuck with GamerGate constantly because, basically, GamerGate is full of easily offended pissbabies who freak the fuck out at the slightest signs of adversity. Much like the SJW villians they’ve concocted in their heads.

      • RefresherDev

        Jesus Christ, I’d hate to see what company you worked for with such a colorful vocabulary. Pissbabies, really?

        Boogie did a series of things about how he was being harassed. He made a video that was link-only private way back when. He described his experience as being ‘crucified.’ He’s been torn apart because he fits the ‘fat straight white male’ stereotype you guys just love using.

        Here’s the latest:

        Wait, this was a serious game design blog at some point, right?

        • Damion Schubert

          He was mocked by… who? Which feminists were mocking his weight? Which Kotaku journalists? Does he actually have names, or any kinds of hints? Or is he just being mocked by shitlords who have no interest in who wins or loses this thing, and are only doing it for the Lulz because they know that GG overreacts to every damn thing they do? Given that 99.99% of all gamers are not interested in gamergate at all, the distinction is pretty important.

          There are plenty of people, say in Ghazi, who have grown tired of his equivocating on the subject of GG. However, most of them will go out of their way to chastise each other for fat jokes, calling people retards, pulling out the aspie card, etc. To be honest, it’s kind of tiring. So I don’t know which crowd of people you’re talking about who is picking on Boogie. Find me a group of SJWs who are doing so as openly and proudly as KiA or 8chan does when they engage in their ops, and I may concede you may have a point.

          • anon gg'er

            “He was mocked by… who? Which feminists were mocking his weight? Which Kotaku journalists? Does he actually have names, or any kinds of hints?”
            So do you have any evidence of who made the posters, who put them up, what gg’ers did it? “but it was against anita which GG doesn’t like” this was against boogie who SJW’s don’t like

            You just disproved your whole blogpost with that comment.

          • RefresherDev

            Wait a minute, doesn’t this sound a bit familiar? Re-read your post and then go back and re-read your replies to everything where you insisted that there’s some evil organization bent on ruining whatever person is asking for Patreon money today. Pulling out the gender card is literally your creed (for the record, I have never seen anyone bring out the ‘aspie card’ but great to see you’re spewing ableist insults.) “Oh they must hate me because I’m a women!” There is absolutely nothing else that could possibly make you hate them, right? It’s all sexist, right?

            And really, Ghazi? I know diehard aGGros who hate Ghazi. And please, please do show me the ‘harass ______’ OP. There’s a gamergate wiki, have a nice search and tell me if you find anything.

            Seriously, this used to be a game design blog? Really? You really do come off as an angry hipster running around throwing stupid and downright hypocritical BS and tacking weak insults to make you sound stronger, not an ‘experienced game designer.’ I’d hate to know the fate of whoever took your sagely advice.

          • John Henderson

            Fuck off, you annoying rando morons.

      • Eli

        I eagerly await your proof that this was done by gamergate. After all, you’re simply making shit up to cover up the fact that SomethingAwful and AyyTeam fuck with Gamergate constantly. I’m sure you can easily find the evidence that this was a GG op…since anything that GG actually endorses, would either show up on KiA or 8ch. And since we don’t see any proof of that, then we can easily cancel out that as proof can’t we?

        In other words, you’ve got jack shit in terms of proof.

        • John Henderson

          There is no proof that “gamergate” does anything, because the only people who want to refer to themselves as “belonging” to said organizations are either fools or cowards who want to be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want, about anyone, with bonus points for chaos, noise and lulz.

          If you don’t like things about how games are made or about games journalism, fine. Blog about it, don’t use #gg for your false agency. Own up to what you say. Take responsibility.

          • JP

            You mean like having an anonymous blog under assumed names that you can create when and how you want, all the while using #GG as your boogeyman and screaming “I’m being harassed” but providing absolutely no actionable evidence and having the FBI tell the ONE person who has provided them anything that it was nonsense and there would be no arrests? Right? AMIRITE? Because I think I could do that. I just need a Patreon account and twitter and a narrative…let’s see. Yes, this should do nicely: “SJW John Henderson calls anyone who disagrees with him fools and cowards for being a member of a group that wants actual ethics in journalism #aggro #ghazi #sendMoneyToMyPatreon #nojob #iWantFreebies” Now to get a kickstarter for all the videos I’m going to promise to make within 2 years and then have my friends at Polygon write a rave review about these future videos and neglect to add a Conflict of Interest notice from when I gave their writers money in their own Patreon account…you know, Pay for Play/Payola. Then I’ll need to smear my narrative “enemy” by tying their actions to some larger group by way of pointing out shared traits…do you eat cereal John? I’m just going to assume you do, since assumption seems to be half of being an SJW. You know that John Wayne Gacy also ate cereal. You’re just like him. You’re such an evil piece of shit for being just like a mass murderer. It’s really fun to throw out generalizations based on shared traits! God forbid you happened to be Muslim because, whooboy, FOX news has taught me one thing: if any Muslim is a terrorist, then ALL Muslims are naturally terrorists! Hey, sounds a lot like this whole GamerGate thing, doesn’t it? If one does something bad, obviously EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM must be a horrible, evil person. Well, you keep eating that cereal you child raping, mass murderer.

            Yes, I think I’ve got this Social Justice thing down. #DonateToMyPatreon

  5. Diana

    Gamergate is a leaderless, unorganised movement, therefore anybody can represent Gamergate. They can’t decide after the fact “gee, that reflects poorly on us, let’s deny it”. If they don’t want episodes like this, they need to organise. If they don’t organise, then Gamergate remains open to ridicule every time they pull a half-assed stunt* like this.

    *A stunt that, I must repeat, was by Gamergate.

    • anon gg'er

      LOL ok if that’s what you say I guess you’re a feminist let’s do the same against them

      “I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honourable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor

      “To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he’s a machine, a walking dildo.” -– Valerie Solanas

      “I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig.” — Andrea Dworkin

      “Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear” — Susan Brownmiller

      “The more famous and powerful I get the more power I have to hurt men.” — Sharon Stone

      “In a patriarchal society, all heterosexual intercourse is rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to give meaningful consent.” — Catherine MacKinnon

      “The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.” — Sally Miller Gearhart

      “Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” – Catherine Comins

      “All men are rapists and that’s all they are” — Marilyn French

      “Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release.” — Germaine Greer.


      cool right? These quotes are from feminist leaders, nobody knows who the femfreak person is.

      For a leaderless group we’ll have to assume that the majority represents it’s discourse, not bad apples (if this even was a gamergater) otherwise christians are homophobes, muslims are terrorists and feminism is another word for misandry

      • Dedj

        “These quotes are from feminist leaders”

        “For a leaderless group”

        Wow! This GG didn’t even bother to seperate their self-contradictions with anything more than a line break. At this rate, I fully foresee that GG’ers will have their self-contradictions down to “Yes it is and also yes it isn’t” by the end of the year.

    • Eli

      Sorry to burst your bubble, GG has what’s called “decentralized leadership” as in, everyone is a leader. Ideas, plans, and ops are based on this scary word called “merit.” You know something that the current generation of millennials has a problem with, and in turn SJW’s have a problem with as well. We can see this in their current action with FOSS projects, and the cancer they’re trying to infect projects with there. Or as they call it “a pervasive cult of meritocracy,” in other words they want ideas based on status, your skin colour, your wealth, just like the system to be back during ye olde days of lordships.

      • Biggie

        ” Or as they call it “a pervasive cult of meritocracy,” in other words they want ideas based on status, your skin colour, your wealth, just like the system to be back during ye olde days of lordships.”

        Or, as you fail to understand it, the idea is that a meritocracy isn’t ACTUALLY run on merit, but connections and how much ideas fit into the traditional power structure.

      • John Henderson

        Your system of meritocracy is all about causing noise and chaos without having to take responsibility for anything you do or say.

  6. Allistair Pinsof (@megaspacepanda)

    Occasional reader, first time poster!

    I think you’re dead on in your last paragraph. However, I have a separate issue with this: It wasn’t worthy of being reported on by Polygon, Destructoid or Gamespolitics and none of them reported on it accurately. Your blog is more informative so its no surprise Gamespolitics linked to it in its update.

    The posters were upsetting for some E3 attendees who voiced their disgust on twitter. It made some feel unsafe. If it was known that this is most likely the work of an LA political artist who loves to stir up controversy, it’d calm the waters. Signal boosting these posters with no context just makes things worse.

    I don’t see how reporting on this was newsworthy, to begin with and its further upsetting to see no effort to seek out clarity on the situation, or in the very least, update articles with new information about the LA artist connection.

    • Damion Schubert

      Allistair — welcome. To your two points:

      1) There is, as of yet, no firm evidence whether or not the culprit was Sabo or an imitator. It would have been irresponsible for Polygon and Destructoid to report on anything definitively. As a pissant blogger, its far more reasonable for me to throw out the trial balloon, but I don’t have the time or resources to run it to ground. If any press (GG aligned or not) wants to, they can be my guest. Given that said artist has not yet claimed credit for it, there’s no guaruntee that any media outlet would have gotten an answer that would have calmed things.

      2) If what is recognized by most game developers and game journalists as a threatening, anti-woman hate group posts images around the largest convention in the industry, this is news. I have many female coworkers and colleagues who have not felt at ease at all going to shows or engaging in social media since last August. This is, in fact, a central reason to why I refuse to shut up about the topic.

      3) If the artist *is* Sabo, then this situation even more elaborately shows why the fundamental structure of Gamergate is hopelessly fucked. He is not, as you try to paint him, a troll trying to fuck with GG. He’s definitely not an aGGro. He actually buys into this right wing cultural marxism crap that dominates the most odious parts of the GamerGate movement. He is, potentially, as much a GamerGater as anyone who infests KiA or /8chan, and can do whatever he wants in their name. There is no central nervous system to say that he’s wrong. There’s no leader to decry him, or distance the movement from him. There’s just continuing pushing of the envelope of good taste until someone steps over the line, at which point gamergaters rush to claim false flags or third party trolls. The ‘good’ gamergators just refuse to acknowledge that there are some serious bad apples in their ranks.

      This may seem insignificant, but from this chair where I sit, this is exactly emblematic of #GamerGate’s function, and how they collectively claim the victories but rush away from any completely repulsive acts that come from their ranks (which come altogether all too often). Which ties directly into my last point, I suppose, I just wanted to make it more emphatically.

      • Eli

        Yeah funny how GG is anti-women, when there are plenty of women in it. After all, it seems that the devs are coming out of the woodwork the last few days openly supporting GG. I wonder why? It couldn’t have anything to do with the same people who claimed “we’re not jack thompson or joe liberman” while engaging in exactly the same tactics or anything.

        • Funky_Monk

          Please do tell us how Anita Sarkeesian is trying to ban games through the courts and lobbying the legislature to prohibit them because that’s what Thompson tried to do. Cite actual examples, not suppositions but actual examples.

        • Biggie

          Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin are Republicans, but that doesn’t make the Republican platform any less anti-women.

          “After all, it seems that the devs are coming out of the woodwork the last few days openly supporting GG.”

          You mean the ‘neutral’ Mark Kern and George Broussard? Please, take them. We’ll take, you know. Blizzard and EA and Ubisoft and Sony. 🙂

      • Allistair Pinsof (@megaspacepanda)

        “It would have been irresponsible for Polygon and Destructoid to report on anything definitively.”

        They already acted irresponsibly for reporting on a few posters that seemed dubious in nature due to no found ties to GG members on Twitter/KiA/8chan and the unanimous outcry against them in the group. Signal boosting it spread panic without providing clarity and context.

        Besides, these listed sites report on rumor and speculation on a nearly daily basis. These posters sharing the same art style and political slant of a known political artist in the LA area (who, I’ve heard, is set on dividing groups via political messages which sounds like trolling to me) seems like good information, even if it can’t be confirmed.

        “I have many female coworkers and colleagues who have not felt at ease at all going to shows or engaging in social media since last August. This is, in fact, a central reason to why I refuse to shut up about the topic.”

        At E3, anywhere you looked — any stream, press conference or booth — had female representation, sometimes more than male. EA had a campaign promoting female players across the show. It’s not secret that this has been the primary marketing focus for many major ad firms in games at the moment — I even heard an esports star mention that HyperX had a whole campaign promoting female players in reaction to GamerGate. It may be marketing bs in an effort to win hearts and minds, but when the entire industry is putting their money behind promoting and celebrating female players, what more does one need to feel safe in the industry? Furthermore, what harm has actually been done to female gamers beyond stupid Twitter drama which affects everyone from child stars to fat celebrities? Doxxing and swatting sucks ass but this is just a problem between online celebrities and trolls. It’s been a constant problem for esports stars, twitch streamers and internet celebrities for years. It’s not specific to female gaming social critics and it won’t end with GG, sadly.

        It’s good to fight against bigotry online but I think sometimes people get lost in their own echo chamber in doing so. The reality presented at E3 is that it’s a fantastic time for all gender/ethnic groups in the industry. I saw multiple black women share a E3 floor, multiple black men on E3 panels, transgender women on panels/demos, multiple female characters in the biggest game franchises of the moment, and no rumors/stories of harassment or disrespect on the show floor which always came up before (small things like female journalists being treated differently, etc.) Not only is gaming celebrating diversity, it’s light years beyond the music, film, or TV industries at the moment. I don’t see an increase in bigots as a sign of gaming’s diversity problems, but rather as an expected response toward having one of the most diverse industries at the moment.

        “He actually buys into this right wing cultural marxism crap that dominates the most odious parts of the GamerGate movement. He is, potentially, as much a GamerGater as anyone who infests KiA or /8chan, and can do whatever he wants in their name.”

        Infests? lol. Okay, I’ll agree with you that anyone who uses GamerGate tag is as much a member as anyone else. But it should also be recognized that not all ideas and actions are treated equally within GG and posters that (as far as I can tell) make fun of a feminists social critic was not a very popular, well-received one. It’s important to recognize this not because it gives GG an out, but because its vital info when it comes to people’s safety. If you tell all of GG are crazy, sick fucks who hide razor blades behind inane anti-propaganda, it causes panic which wouldn’t exist if you told the truth: the vast majority of GG frown upon this behavior and sought to out this bad actor.

        But I get it. I get where you and these journalists are coming from: This is something that happened in the public at a popular event and it makes this group look very bad. My stance is: Was this newsworthy and if journalists write about it regardless should they in the very least mention the evidence toward it being the work of an LA graffiti artist who’s done things like this before (posting controversial images that tear communities apart, while saying nothing of value)?


        Here’s the good news: GamerGate is dying.

        With SPJ Airplay and League4Gamers (say what you will of Kern, at least we have an non-anonymous industry watch dog), GamerGate will fizzle out or transform into a more legitimate platform, leaving the trolls behind.

        I don’t like GamerGaters. There are some okay people but for the most part I ignore the rest, like you and most of the industry. I don’t like what they stand for but I don’t like what the games media stands for either.

        Just this week in my Facebook feed I saw journalists and industry casually talking about splitting a yacht rent to party on casually before E3, journalists making snap judgments and insults against Square for Deus Ex instead of channeling those feelings into a constructive, professional op-ed, and a journalist make a “your mama” joke and block me when I request he include the UnsavoryAgents information on his Anita posters at E3 article. Nevermind stories I’ve heard of the past of IGN paid reviews, sexual harassment, and blackmail against employees within games media.

        The industry has improved a lot in how it treats and represents women and minorities, but the problems that plague the media remain. GG — shitposts and harassment aside — has done more toward cleaning this industry up than anyone else has in a very long time — just look at the parade of new ethics policies, disclosures and updates on unethical articles previously ignored. It woke people up to its problems and brought in new parties (I know of one well-established institution organizing a new media watchdog to focus on game journalists) to act as watchdogs.

        I can’t think of another E3 that featured so much diversity, positivity and progressive ideals, on and off the stage. It’s sad than that I can’t think of another E3 that saw journalists act so snarky, pessimistic, and hostile on Twitter. Things aren’t going to get better, they ALREADY got better — and if people focused on the good instead of dumb posters made by some stupid troll — they wouldn’t be so blind to it.

  7. Litmus

    Considering the poster also contains a Something Awful based meme, I hope you’ll also lay blame on that venerable forum for fostering an environment that makes people think that catchphrase is funny.

  8. GamerGate Rocks

    Nothing warms my heart more than seeing feminist, mangina, and white knight tears! Go GamerGate!

    • MechaCrash

      Nothing warms my heart more than a Gater proving that they’re a bunch of reactionary sexist shitbags. Go GamerGate!

  9. Scott Malcomson

    “GamerGate was following around Jonathan McIntosh”

    What, all of us? Wow, that place must’ve been PACKED. We can get 300+ folks together just to hang out at a D.C. bar.

    Well, until the FBI has to warn the cops that someone who hates GamerGate emailed a credible bomb threat. “Credible” being the term the cops used.

    Which, to date, is the only credible threat noted by police or the FBI regarding anything related to GamerGate. Heck, they even tossed Anita’s “school shooting threat” the day it arrived, although that didn’t stop her marketing it around on TV for donation bucks. Turned out it wasn’t even related to gaming.

    But hey. I’m sure Kotaku checked with the FBI and wrote up a piece denouncing Sarkeesian’s nonsense, right? After all, they’re JOURNALISTS and it’s kind of their job to report on the news. -:)

    • Biggie

      “emailed a credible bomb threat. “Credible” being the term the cops used.”

      Source plz.

      “Heck, they even tossed Anita’s “school shooting threat” the day it arrived, although that didn’t stop her marketing it around on TV for donation bucks. Turned out it wasn’t even related to gaming.”

      You are aware she got more than one threat at Utah, right? And the second explicitly mentioned Gamergate?

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