Compared to the PS3, the Wii is getting insane buzz from both the hardcore and the mainstream press. So much so that the fact that people have been maiming each other throwing the controller around is considered someone of an amusing joke to most gamers (see Wii Have a Problem). So much so that everyone seems to have forgotten how disgusted and appalled they were when they heard the thing was being called the ‘Wii’.

Will this change now that Nintendo has announced a recall of 3.2 M wrist straps? Possibly. I doubt it will affect the hardcore gamer. That being said, I saw this story on the evening local news, and I can’t help but think that mom and dad might decide to pass on little Timmy’s surprise Wii-gifting once they see, in living color, what might end up happening to dad’s plasma (or Sis’ eye).

On the flip side, announcing a recall of 3.2 M wrist straps subtly reminds all of us that they’ve shipped out 3.2 M boxes, well on their way to 4M by the end of the year. And while this wrist strap is probably causing some overtime, there’s no doubt that the console is still crushing the PS3 — based almost entirely on sheer availability.